Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Parks And Resorts. Vancouver, B.C Board Of Park Commissioners Of The City Of Vancouver, B.C.

Parks And Resorts. Vancouver, B.C

Board Of Park Commissioners Of The City Of Vancouver, B.C.

Other works by Board Of Park Commissioners Of The City Of Vancouver, B.C.

Publication: 1920, Quebec

Third edition. 9 1/4" x 6" color pictorial wrappers. 70 pp., contents, illustrations, list of park commissioners. Brief overview of Vancouver. Discusses the evolution of the park system, the visit of the Prince of Wales, Hastings Park, Stanley Park, English Bay, Clark Park, McLean Park, Kitsilano Park and Beach, etc. Numerous photographs (54 pages) of mostly scenery, but also many reflecting individuals engaged in various activities. Fold-out photo of Kitsilano Bathing Beach. Chart showing the various parks, beaches and playgrounds in Vancouver in 1919 along with names of parks, area in acres, locations, features, and car lines. Chart offering park statistics to include name of park, year of purchase, from whom purchased, cost, land valuation in 1918, remarks. Pages and wrappers lightly soiled along with bottom corner of first pages bent and with wear and chipping to both wrappers. Wonderful photos.

Inventory Number: 36544