Publication: Bailey, Dix & Mead, 1882, FORT RANDALL, DAKOTA TERRITORY
Original Photograph of Hunkpapa Sioux Chief and Medicine Man, Sitting Bull. Cabinet Card. Image: 4"x6". Mount: 4.25"x6.5". Across the bottom inch of the photograph is printed: TATON KAIYOTONKA, followed by a facsimile of Sitting Bull's signature. Printed below that is the following: "The above is a true Photo and autograph of 'Sitting Bull', the Sioux Chief of the Custer Massacre." Below that, and printed on the Botton edge of the mount, is: "Copyrighted, 1882. by Bailey, Dix & Mead." Verso is printed as follows: "SITTING BULL, and True Autograph. This noted Chief, With his band of Uncapapa Sioux Indians, now are prisoners of war at Fort Randall, D.T., is 43 years of age; Weight 200 pounds; Height, 5 ft. 9 in. Has had over 100 engagements with their natural enemies, the Crows, of which he proudly boasts, but is too shrewd to acknowledge to having killed whites. He has had 9 wives. The two now living with him appear with descriptions in Nos.5, 11 and 20. He has one child by each of his first 6 wives." This image is No. 1 of a series of 24 images, taken and sold by photographers, Bailey, Dix & Mead. The 24 images are listed below the above information. Below that is printed: "Address, Bailey, Dix & Mead, Fort Randall, D.T." A classic, oval, portrait-like image; Sitting Bull is seated, with a dark blanket across his lap. He wears a white shirt, his hair is braided, and he is holding a peace pipe, with a pipe bag across his lap. A handsome, classic image with perhaps a little fading. One inch crease at top edge resulting in tiny, almost imperceptible crack in photograph. Very good. An important image of Sitting Bull, shortly after he and his supporters surrendered at Fort Buford, Dakota Territory, after nearly 5 years of exile in Canada.
Inventory Number: 53396