Publication: Circa 1930, NP, circa 1930
Original Photograph of Moving Robe (Ta-sina-mani-win), a Hunkpapa Sioux woman who fought in the Battle of the Little Big Horn. 4"x6". A striking image of this important Sioux woman. The story of her actions in the Battle of the Little Big Horn is best told by Sioux warrior, Rain-in-the-Face, in his account of the battle as told to, and recorded by, Dr. Charles Eastman: "I ran to my teepee and seized my gun, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows. I already had my stone war club, for you know we usually carry those by way of ornament. Just as I was about to set out to meet Reno, a body of soldiers appeared nearly opposite us, at the edge of a long line of cliffs across the river. All of us who were mounted and ready immediately started down the stream toward the ford. There were Ogallalas, Minneconjous, Cheyennes, and some Unkpapas, and those around me seemed to be nearly all very young men...Behold, there is among us a young woman! I shouted. Let no young man hide behind her garment! I knew that I would make those young men brave. The woman was Tashenamani, or Moving Robe, whose brother had just been killed in the fight with Three Stars. Holding her brother's war staff over her head, and leaning forward upon her charger, she looked as pretty as a bird. Always when there is a woman in the charge, it causes the warriors to vie with one another in displaying their valor, he added." On the back of the photograph is neatly written in pencil: "Ta-sina-mani-win (Moving Robe) Born 1853-Died June 26, 1935-Age 82 years-Fought U.S. Troops in early Days-I knew her intimately--Frank Zahn. Frank Zahn, also known as Chief Flying Cloud, was born in 1890 at Standing Rock Reservation. Well educated at Rigg's Institute in Flandreau, South Dakota; Carlisle Indian College in Pennsylvania, and Aackers Business College, after serving in World War I. He held many important positions in North and South Dakota, working for various Sioux agencies. Image is crisp, clean and bright. She is seated, showing the upper half of her body. Her dark dress is heavily decorated with white shells and she wears a long decorative breastplate. Hair is parted in the middle with long braids. Her lined and weathered face shows her many years, with a proud expression as she looks directly into the camera. Fine condition.
Inventory Number: 53504