Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Original Business Card Of J.L. Hubbell For The Trading Posts That He Owned And Operated In Ganado, Arizona And Keams Canyon, Arizona. J. L. HUBBELL

Original Business Card Of J.L. Hubbell For The Trading Posts That He Owned And Operated In Ganado, Arizona And Keams Canyon, Arizona.


Other works by J. L. HUBBELL

Publication: Privately printed, nd(circa 1904), NP

A fine, bright, colorful card printed in 4 colors in an Indian blanket design on stiff card stock. 4" x 3." The front of the card emphasizes J.L. Hubbell at the top and Navajo blankets at the bottom. Additional information states in 4 sections "Main Store Ganado, Apache Co., Arizona;" "Branch Store Keams Canyon Arizona;" "Moqui and Oraibi Baskets, Dolls and Plaques Silverware;" "Ancient and Modern Pottery and All Kinds of Indian Curios." The reverse is printed entirely in black and provides information regarding the "Hopi (Moqui) Pueblos" listing the Pueblos on each of the three mesas and lists by month the 13 "Ceremonies and Dances" (listed from November through October). Small print at the bottom portion of the card notes: "The Snake and Flute Ceremonies alternate, the Snake Dance being held at Wolpi and Mashongnovi in 1905, 1907, and 1909 and at Sichumovi, Shipaulovi and Oraibi in 1906, 1908 and 1910." The Snake and Flute Ceremonies take place in August and the list of "Ceremonies and Dances" starts with November, hence our dating the business card from 1904. Hubbell Trading Post is the most famous and most important of all Arizona Indian Trading Posts. Rare, attractive, and important. A small 30 page pamphlet giving a history of Hubbell Trading Post is included: Stiff wrappers, no date or publisher, post 1965. Illustrations include 13 old photographs, several of which coincidentally are dated 1904!

Inventory Number: 33816