Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

One Page Typed Letter On Brett Halliday's Stationery BRETT HALLIDAY

One Page Typed Letter On Brett Halliday's Stationery


Other works by BRETT HALLIDAY

Publication: Writer of letter is Brett Halliday, 1955, Greens Farms, Connecticut

A one-page letter with excellent content about “Women Are Poison,” one of his stories, originally published in 1936 in one of the Munsey pulps, being reprinted in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and attempting to clarify the financial terms. Signed in full as Davis Dresser, his real name. Two faint folds else a fine copy.

Inventory Number: 50022