Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Official Souvenir And Programme Of The 39th National Encampment G.A.R. Sept 4 To 9th, 1905 COOK, GEORGE W. [COMPILED BY]

Official Souvenir And Programme Of The 39th National Encampment G.A.R. Sept 4 To 9th, 1905


Other works by COOK, GEORGE W.

Publication: Privately printed, 1905, NP

11" x 8" in colorful pictorial wrappers. (72) pp., illustrations, advertisements. Offers 6-day program, history of the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic, information on the National Association of Army Nurses, facsimile of letter to comrades and guests written by George W. Cook, me, numerous railroad and resort ads for side trips for the attending veterans with much description of each, etc. Splitting to top and bottom of spine along with chipping at spine ends. Wrappers lightly soiled and with wear to extremities.

Inventory Number: 37829