Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction




Other works by DEREK MARLOWE

Publication: The Viking Press, 1976, New York

First U.S. edition. Fine in dust jacket. After the unfortunate incident at Tewkesbury, can Edward and Amy Lytton regain at least a part of their former happiness? The couple travels to Haiti to explore the possibility. Once there, Edward loses touch with Amy, who's more impressionable and day dreamy from day to day ... off by herself and having strange lapses. Sometimes Edward is reminded of Amy's sister Blanche who died here some years ago. But in Haiti, deaths unattended by the last rites are not ever final .... there are ghosts who are hostages to the god of death, and the god of death must in the end receive his due!

Inventory Number: 12668