Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

News Of The Plains And Rockies 1803-1865 WHITE, DAVID A. [EDITOR]

News Of The Plains And Rockies 1803-1865


Other works by WHITE, DAVID A.

Publication: The Arthur H Clark Co, 1996-2001, Spokane

8 Volumes, plus the supplemental ninth volume. Cloth. Illustrated with numerous maps, tables, and facsimiles. Index. An outstanding, and much-needed series, comprised of 168 important narratives of early travel and adventure in the American West. Each narrative has been selected by the editor from the premier bibliography on western exploration and travel: _The Plains & The Rockies: A Critical Bibliography of Exploration, Adventure and Travel in The American West, 1800-1865_ by Henry R. Wagner and Charles L. Camp. Many of them rare and unavailable, each narrative includes an explanatory text by the editor presenting the significance of the report, a biography of its author, and the adventurers' itinerary along with highlights of the journey. The narratives selected are organized as follows: Early Explorers, 1803-1812; Fur Hunters, 1813-1847; Santa Fe Adventurers, 1818-1843; Settlers, 1819-1865; Missionaries, Mormons, 1821-1864; Indian Agents, Captives, 1832-1865; Warriors, 1834-1865; Scientists, Artists, 1835-1859; Later Explorers, 1847-1865; Gold Seekers, California, 1849-1856; Railroad Forerunners, 1850-1865; Mailmen, 1857-1865; Gold Seekers, Pikes Peak, 1858-1865; Gold Seekers, Other Areas, 1860-1865; and Additional Accounts, The Plains & Rockies, 1800-1865. The ninth and supplemental volume is titled _Plains & Rockies 1800-1865._ It presents "120 proposed additions to the Wagner-Camp and Becker bibliography of travel and adventure in the American West," and it also reprints 33 of the 120 proposed additions. This volume is a direct but independent outgrowth of White's 8 volume series; a bibliography containing accounts discovered during the 8 volume series development and production which fit the guidelines of Wagner-Camp and Becker, but that were not included in their listings. A great and important series from The Arthur H. Clark Company. As new.

Inventory Number: 48205