Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

New Castle County Delaware. 16 1/4" X 21" Matted & Framed Colored Broadside Sheet. VERNON GOOD

New Castle County Delaware. 16 1/4" X 21" Matted & Framed Colored Broadside Sheet.


Other works by VERNON GOOD

Publication: Authority of the New Castle County Delaware Bicentennial Committee, 1975, NP

16 1/4" x 21" single broadside sheet. Full color print reproducing Vernon Good's collage of over thirty views of old New Castle County buildings. The state flag, county flag, state seal and county seal are at the four corners of the broadside. Produced in celebration of American Revolution bicentennial [1776-1976]. The artist was a native of Southern New Jersey and studied at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art and at the Hussian School of Art. A small biographical sketch is pasted to the back of the framed work. The broadside is signed by Good. Nicely matted in light blue and framed in brown.

Inventory Number: 23982