Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Necessary Fraud: Progressive Reform And Utah Coal. NANCY J. TANIGUCHI

Necessary Fraud: Progressive Reform And Utah Coal.


Other works by NANCY J. TANIGUCHI

Publication: Univ of Okla Press, 1996, Norman

First edition. Very fine in dust jacket. Cloth, xvi, 319pp., acknowledgments, introduction, conclusion, notes, bibliography, index, 15 illus., 1 chart, 1 map. Using century-old photos and copious documentation, the author creates a legal history of land fraud in Utah's turn of-the-century coal fields that intertwines national, regional, and local events. Volume 3 in the series Legal History of North America.

Inventory Number: 7311