Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

National Railways Of Mexico, Workers Administration. Visit Mexico's Byways. Oaxaca. Patzcuaro. Uruapan. Jalapa. Direct Rail Connections. Time Table Folder. Issued May 20, 1939 National Railways Of Mexico

National Railways Of Mexico, Workers Administration. Visit Mexico's Byways. Oaxaca. Patzcuaro. Uruapan. Jalapa. Direct Rail Connections. Time Table Folder. Issued May 20, 1939

National Railways Of Mexico

Other works by National Railways Of Mexico

Publication: Privately printed, 1939, NP

9" x 8," in orange and brown printed wrappers, folded in half. 24 pp. including wrappers. Double column text. Illustrations. Maps. General information for the traveler followed by three pages of information on Mexico City and the vicinity. One-page street map of Mexico City. At center is a system map of the National Railways of Mexico from El Paso to Yucatan and showing all principal stations. Also at center is a 5" x 8" map showing the railway system from Aguascalientes and Guadalajara down to Puero Mexico. Eleven pages of time schedules followed by a listing of fares to Mexico City via rail and pullman. Light soiling to wrappers. Very good.

Inventory Number: 51614