Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

My Tall Mountain HARPER C. STEWART

My Tall Mountain


Other works by HARPER C. STEWART

Publication: Privately printed, 1986, Phoenix

First edition. 8vo. Presentation inscription on the title page by the author, and signed by the author on the dedication page. Pictorial wrappers, titles in black on front cover, iii [blank], 126 pp. plus 30 pp.,illustrated, portraits, family genealogy. Texas/Arizona memoirs and family history from a man who was born in Hearne, Texas in 1907. This book was written as a family history for his grandchildren. Laid-in is a typed letter signed by the author. As new, unread copy.

Inventory Number: 45007