Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

My Story Of The Last Indian War In The Northwest. THOMAS MORGAN

My Story Of The Last Indian War In The Northwest.


Other works by THOMAS MORGAN

Publication: The news-Times Publishing Co, 1954, Forest Grove, Oregon

First edition. 8vo. Stiff printed wrappers. 29 pp. Illustrations. The author was a 7-year-old boy at the time of the Indian wars that he describes. He relates highlights of the last uprisings by Bannock, Piute, Yakima, and Sheep Eater tribes, in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho in 1878 & 1879. Scarce. Signed by Thomas Morgan. As New.

Inventory Number: 51172