Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Murder At Marston Manor ROBIN FORSYTHE

Murder At Marston Manor


Other works by ROBIN FORSYTHE

Publication: D Appleton-Century Company, Incorporated, 1935, New York

First U. S. edition. Published in the U. K. using the title THE GINGER CAT MYSTERY. Pseudonym of Peter Dingwall. Lettering rubbed at base of spine, light green endpapers, else a very good copy in dust jacket with light wear to the spine ends and a short closed tear to the bottom spine channel. Anthony Vereker, amateur criminologist, and Detective Sgt. Heather of Scotland Yard must solve the murder of a young man. A man who was shot through the eye and then dragged from the stair-landing where the murder was committed, to the upper hall. The bullet is the only clue and there is no shortage of suspects who wanted him dead.

Inventory Number: 38456