Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Multnomah Hotel, Fourth And Pine Sts., Portland, Oregon MULTNOMAH HOTEL

Multnomah Hotel, Fourth And Pine Sts., Portland, Oregon


Other works by MULTNOMAH HOTEL

Publication: Privately printed, n d (ca 1930), N P

First edition. Color, pictorial wrappers, 6" x 13 1/2" sheet, folds to 6" x 3 3/8," 4 panels, illustrated, map. One side depicts interior views of the hotel and its location in Portland, plus three affiliated hotels: Evergreen Hotel, Vancouver, Lithia Springs Hotel, Ashland, and Washington Hotel, Pullman. The other side provides a two-panel color view of the Multnomah Hotel and a two-panel color map showing the entire Pacific coast. Also information is provided regarding the highway mileage from Portland to the three affiliated hotels. Near fine copy.

Inventory Number: 44501