Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Mound Builders And Monument Makers Of The Northern Great Lakes, 1200-1600. MEGHAN C.L. HOWEY

Mound Builders And Monument Makers Of The Northern Great Lakes, 1200-1600.


Other works by MEGHAN C.L. HOWEY

Publication: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012, Norman

First edition. Quarto. Gray cloth, titles printed in white on the front cover and spine, xii, 220 pp., acknowledgments, introduction, illustrated, maps, tables, notes, works cited, index. Rising above the northern Michigan landscape, prehistoric burial mounds and impressive circular earthen enclosures bear witness to the deep history of the region’s ancient indigenous peoples. The author "combines regional archaeological investigations with ethnohistory, analysis of spatial relationships, and collaboration with tribal communities to explore changes in the area's social setting from 1200 to 1600. During this time, cultural shifts, such as the adoption of maize horticulture, led to the creation of the earthen constructions. Burial mounds were erected, marking claims to resources and defining areas for local ritual gatherings, while massive circular enclosures were constructed as intersocietal ceremonial centers. Together, the author shows, these structures made up part of an interconnected, purposefully designed cultural landscape. When societies incorporated the earthworks into their egalitarian social and ritual behaviors, the structures becamse something more: ceremonial monuments." As new, unread copy, without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 32931