Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Motoring In A Mohawk GEO E MARSTERS

Motoring In A Mohawk


Other works by GEO E MARSTERS

Publication: Marsters Tours, n d (ca 1925), Boston and New York

Travel brochure, undated, but ca. 1925. Approximately 9" x 8," folding to 9" x 4." 20 pages (including attractive illustrated wrappers), with text detailing itineraries of tours within New York and Boston and from those cities to Montreal, Quebec, Cape Cod, Lake George and Lake Champlain, the White Mountains, Albany, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Atlantic City, Asbury Park, Philadelphia, and more. Marsters Tours billed themselves as "pioneers in travel comfort," offering their tours via a fleet of 16 of limousines "equipped with every modern motor convenience for the welfare of patrons," including extra large windows, leather seats, mahogany woodwork, electric lights, a locked baggage compartment, and "the most improved heating apparatus for chilly days." Readers are reminded that the Mohawk "is not a bus." Tickets are required in advance, drivers and tour conductors are "men of intelligence, education, and ability," and "enjoyment of the trip is enhanced by the company of friendly and congenial people who make up the party." Light wear to wrappers; very good.

Inventory Number: 49450