Publication: Privately printed, 1928, N P
Publication No. 17. 10 1/2" x 8 1/2" in pictorials wrappers. 64 pp., illustrations, maps. "We have tried to give some of the early history; a short story of what the varied resources mean to farming communities; to describe carefully the agricultural opportunities, and to answer those questions in you, as a practical farmer and prospective homeseeker, would be interested." Promotes agriculture, raising of livestock, various counties, etc. Information on water power, coal, mining, oil, forests, climate, high-yield crops, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, horses, hogs, poultry, bee-keeping, low-priced lands, products, education, various organizations, testimonials from Montana farmers, etc. 4 pages listing information by county on schools, taxes, crop acreages and production, number of livestock, weather, altitude, land area, number of farms, and population. Numerous photographs throughout to include many farming pictures, aerial view of Butte, various scenery, various churches, schools, etc. Color system map inside front wrapper. Double-page system map showing lines from Chicago to Portland and Vancouver. Top 2" of spine torn, lower corner chipped, and with light soiling to wrappers. Good plus.
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