Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Missionaries Of The Mississippi Valley J. NORMAN HEARD

Missionaries Of The Mississippi Valley


Other works by J. NORMAN HEARD

Publication: Privately printed, n d (ca 1975), N P

First edition. 8vo. Signed by the author on the verso of the front cover. Pictorial stiff wrappers, 32 [2] pp., index to missionaries. Tells of the Catholic, Quaker and Protestant missionaries to the various Indian Nations including the Minnesota Sioux, Cherokees, Choctaw, Attakapas, et al. Front cover depicts a drawing by Floyd Sunnier of the Death of Father Cosme. An interesting booklet on the subject and difficult to find. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 52375