Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Men And Horses. ROSS SANTEE

Men And Horses.


Other works by ROSS SANTEE

Publication: Published by The Century Co, 1926, New York

First edition. 8vo. The author's first book. Two-tone pictorial cloth, [10], 268 pp., illustrated. Over a hundred drawings by the author. A Merrill Aristocrat of the Cow Country and a Dykes Highspot. "Twenty stories and one hundred sketches by a cowboy artist-author who speaks of his West with pen and brush in the authentic language of the range." Former owner's neat book plate on front pastedown sheet partially covered by the front flap, else a fine, bright, internally clean copy in a fine, bright example of the elusive dust jacket. It has been a long time since we've had a copy in dust jacket An exceptional copy and hosed in a two-tone cloth clamshell with titles inblack on the front cover and in gilt on the spine..

Inventory Number: 49618