Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Mccall's Magazine. The Queen Of Fashion. New York City. Fifty Cents A Year. Fashions Of The Day: Home Literature: Household Hints: Fancy Work: Current Topics: Popular Fiction

Mccall's Magazine. The Queen Of Fashion. New York City. Fifty Cents A Year. Fashions Of The Day: Home Literature: Household Hints: Fancy Work: Current Topics: Popular Fiction

Publication: The McCall Co Publishers, 1899, New York

Vl. XXVII. September 1899. No. 1. First edition. 11" x 8" in pictorial wrappers showing a portrait of a lovely lady within a cameo on the front wrapper. 46 pp. including wrappers. Illustrations. Contents. Articles include "The Fashionable Woman," "When Buying Gloves Remember," "Well-Known Sayings," "The Art of Dressing Well," "Confidential Chat," "Of Interest to Housekeepers," "Dresses the Please Men," "What to Take to Picnics," etc. Explains "Entertainment for People of Moderate Means," "The Art of Dressing Well," "Embroidering Flowers from Nature," "What to Take to Picnics," etc. Beautiful color fashion plate of "Ladies Checked Cloth Costume Trimmed With Velvet And Braiding." Beautiful color fashion plate of "Ladies Checked Cloth Costume Trimmed With Velvet And Braiding." Numerous illustrations include McCall Bazar Patterns throughout for ladies and for girls. Contents printed on inside of rear wrapper. Moderate wear to wrappers with neat inscription and date written in blue ink at top of front wrappers else good copy.

Inventory Number: 49071