Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Massacre Of The Cheyenne Indians. B. F. (CHAIRMAN) WADE

Massacre Of The Cheyenne Indians.


Other works by B. F. (CHAIRMAN) WADE

Publication: Government Printing Office, 1865, Washington

First Edition. Half Morocco and Marbled Boards, with title in gilt on spine. VI, 108pp. Thirty-Eighth Congress, Second Session. In the House of Representatives, January 10, 1865. The Committee was convened to investigate all matters connected with the action between Colonel Chivington and the Cheyenne Indians and to ascertain who were the aggressors; whether the campaign was conducted by Chivington according to the recognized rules of civilized warfare; and whether or not it was forced upon the Indians by the whites. The investigation was virtually a court-martial of Chivington and Governor Evans, and reveals in detail the acts of cruelty, barbarity and murder perpetrated upon a body of unoffending Indians. "According to the report, U.S. Army troops...attacked without warning a village of Cheyenne Indians and killed over one hundred, three-quarters of whom were women and children"--Wagner-Becker-Camp 418. An attractive copy of this important report. Fine with some occasional very light tanning to a few pages.

Inventory Number: 52397