Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Marfa Flights: Aerial Views Of Big Bend Country PAUL V. CHAPLO

Marfa Flights: Aerial Views Of Big Bend Country


Other works by PAUL V. CHAPLO

Publication: Texas A & M University Press, 2014, College Station

First edition. Quarto. Color, pictorial, stiff wrappers with french folds, decorated color front and rear endpapers, xv [1], 174 [1] pp., foreword, photographer's preface, introduction, illustrated in color, map, epilogue, index. Foreword by T. Lindsay Baker. Introduction by Lawrence John Francell. There are 121 color photographs with corresponding text. The book traces the history of aerial photography in Big Bend from air patrols during the Mexican Revolution to Army fly overs by W. D. Smithers to the helicopters' flights after the recent Rock House fire. Includes chapters on Canyons and Drug Lords: The Rio Grande Upstream From Santa Elena Village To Lajitas; Along Texas Highway 118: Heading South From Alpine, Texas; Up The Starry Stairway: Exploring The Pristine Davis Mountains and McDonald Observatory; and much more. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 49173