Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Lincoln's Secretary Goes West, Two Reports By John G. Nicolay On Frontier Indian Troubles 1862 BLEGEN, THEODORE [EDITOR]

Lincoln's Secretary Goes West, Two Reports By John G. Nicolay On Frontier Indian Troubles 1862


Other works by BLEGEN, THEODORE

Publication: Sumac Press, 1965, LaCrosse

First edition. Limited to 500 copies. Cloth, 69 pp. Illustration & 1 map. Presents a record of two important reports. Troubles with the Chippewa Chief Hole-In-The-Day in north central Minnesota is the subject of the first report. The subject of Nicolay's second report is the tragic uprising of the Sioux Indians along the valley of the Minnesota River in southern Minnesota resulting in the massacre of hundreds of innocent settlers. A fine copy. Signed Presentation by the Editor on the title-page.

Inventory Number: 52489