Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Life Of Chief Washakie And Shoshone Indians H. D DEL MONTE

Life Of Chief Washakie And Shoshone Indians


Other works by H. D DEL MONTE

Publication: Privately Printed, 1954, Lander

First Edition. Stiff Pictorial Wrappers. 36pp. Illustrations. Reference on the front wrapper to "Illustrated By Murals In The Noble Hotel Dining Room Lander, Wyoming." Rear wrapper is a full-page advertisement for Noble Hotel..."Where Rails End And Trails Begin"..."The Southern Gateway to Yellowstone and Teton National Parks"..."The Noble Hotel Dining Room Contains One Of America's Finest Indian Collections." "Indian Hieroglyphics" illustrate lower portion of rear wrapper. A well-written and informative biography of Chief Washakie; a very important chief of the Shoshone Indians and an ally to the U.S. Army during the Sioux Wars, and the Shoshone Indians who lived on the Wind River Reservation just north of Lander, Wyoming. Very scarce. A fine, bright copy. "Interpretation of Indian Hieroglyphics..." from Noble Hotel laid-in.

Inventory Number: 50950