Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Letters Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition DONALD JACKSON

Letters Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition


Other works by DONALD JACKSON

Publication: University of Illinois Press, 1978, Urbana

Second and enlarged edition. 2 Volumes. Cloth, 376pp., 377-806pp. Illustrations. An important reprint of Jackson's original 1962 edition, with new and updated notes for documents in the original edition. Covers all aspects of the Lewis and Clark Expedition from its authorization and planning through Meriwether Lewis's violent death. Jackson assembles letters, memoranda, and other documents of the expedition, providing detailed commentary and notes. The additional information increases the scholarly value of Jackson's brilliant work. Fine set in original slipcase.

Inventory Number: 48245