Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Letter Of The Secretary Of War, Communicating Information In Relation To The Late Indian Battle On The Washita River J.M SCHOFILED

Letter Of The Secretary Of War, Communicating Information In Relation To The Late Indian Battle On The Washita River


Other works by J.M SCHOFILED

Publication: Government Printing Office, 1869, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. 48pp.+2pp.+1pp. Senate. 40th Congress, 3rd Session. Ex. Docs. No.18+pt.2+pt.3. Documents from the field before and after this Battle, which Fred Dustin ranked as one of the last three massacres of Indians by the U.S. Army. Much correspondence by Hazen, Sherman, Sheridan, and others, including Custer's report from the battlefield, on November 28, 1868. Some light tanning to some pages, else near fine.

Inventory Number: 53105