Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Letter Of The Secretary Of The Interior, Communicating, Information In Relation To The Character Of The Indians Killed Or Captured By United States Troops Under The Command Of General George A. Custer. O. H. BROWNING

Letter Of The Secretary Of The Interior, Communicating, Information In Relation To The Character Of The Indians Killed Or Captured By United States Troops Under The Command Of General George A. Custer.


Other works by O. H. BROWNING

Publication: Government Printing Office, 1869, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. 3pp. Senate. 40th Congress, 3rd Session. Ex. Doc. No. 36. The communication from Indian Agent E. Wyncoop states that "Black Kettle had proceeded to the point at which he was killed with the understanding that it was the locality where all those Indians who were friendly disposed should assemble; I know that such information had been conveyed to Black Kettle as the orders of the military authorities, and that he was also instructed that Fort Cobb was the point that the friendly Indians would receive subsistence at; and it is admitted by General Hazen, who is stationed at Fort Cobb, that Black Kettle had been to his headquarters a few days previous to his death." Light dampstain along upper edge, else a fine copy.

Inventory Number: 53107