Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Letter From The Secretary Of War, Transmitting Sundry Statements In Relation To The Indian Department. April 12,1822. Read, And Referred To The Committee On Indian Affairs. J. C. CALHOUN

Letter From The Secretary Of War, Transmitting Sundry Statements In Relation To The Indian Department. April 12,1822. Read, And Referred To The Committee On Indian Affairs.


Other works by J. C. CALHOUN

Publication: Gales & Seaton, 1822, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. Several pages of Charts, plus 2 Large Folding Charts. In response to the request of the House of Representatives, Calhoun provides information that focuses primarily on the annual compensation being received by those performing various functions for the Indian Department: Superintendents, Indian Agents, Sub-Agents, Interpreters, and Blacksmiths.

Inventory Number: 52255