Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Letter From The Secretary Of The Interior, In Response To The Senate Resolution Of January 4, 1894, Transmitting A Copy Of A Communication From The Commissioner Of Indian Affairs, With Papers Bearing Upon The Sioux Mixed-Blood Question, Together With Correspondence Had With The Attorney-General In Relation Hereto HOKE SMITH

Letter From The Secretary Of The Interior, In Response To The Senate Resolution Of January 4, 1894, Transmitting A Copy Of A Communication From The Commissioner Of Indian Affairs, With Papers Bearing Upon The Sioux Mixed-Blood Question, Together With Correspondence Had With The Attorney-General In Relation Hereto


Other works by HOKE SMITH

Publication: 1894, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. 160pp.+Large Folding Map. 53rd Congress, 2nd Session. Senate. Ex. Doc. No. 59. An important and detailed record of the complex legal issues related to the common occurrence of intermarrying of Indians and non-Indians, resulting in mixed-blood offspring. Interpretation of treaty and other legal rights, as it applies to mixed-blood Indians was an important issue to resolve. Large folding map (18.5"x17") is untitled and shows land and numerous dwellings on the reservation, where the Bad River enters the Missouri River in central South Dakota. Very Good.

Inventory Number: 48201