Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Letter From The Acting Secretary Of The Interior, Accompanying Information Called For By The Senate Resolution Of January 8, 1873, Relative To The Modoc And Other Indian Tribes In Northern California. B. R. COWEN

Letter From The Acting Secretary Of The Interior, Accompanying Information Called For By The Senate Resolution Of January 8, 1873, Relative To The Modoc And Other Indian Tribes In Northern California.


Other works by B. R. COWEN

Publication: Government Printing Office, 1873, Washington

First Edition. Disbound. 11pp. Senate. 42nd Congress, 3rd Session. Ex. Doc. No. 29. Numerous reports related to issues with the Modoc Indians and others in the Northern California and southern Oregon region. General Canby's desire to arrest Captain Jack, Black Jim, Scar-faced Charley, and others, then force the tribe to move to the Klamath Reservation would prove to be an extremely difficult and deadly undertaking. Fine condition.

Inventory Number: 53069