Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Len Deighton: An Annotated Bibliography 1954-1985. [DEIGHTON,LEN]. MILWARD-OLIVER,EDWARD

Len Deighton: An Annotated Bibliography 1954-1985.



Publication: The Sammler Press, 1985, Maidstone

First edition. Foreword by Julian Symons. One of 375 copies, this one un-numbered, with the signed page proof from London Match laid in its special folder. Inscribed on the limitation page, "For Julian and Kathleen Symons, yours affectionately, Len Deighton." On the title page appears another inscription, "For Julian Symons, for making this slim volume worthy of shelf space, my sincere thanks, Edward Milward-Oliver, 16-09-1985." Fine in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 14532