Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Laws Passed By The Legislative Council, And House Of Representatives, Of Illinois Territory, At Thier Fifth Session, Held At Kaskaskia - 1816--' 17.

Laws Passed By The Legislative Council, And House Of Representatives, Of Illinois Territory, At Thier Fifth Session, Held At Kaskaskia - 1816--' 17.

Publication: Cook & Blackwell, 1817, Kaskaskia

1st Session, 3rd General Assembly, 5th Session. 8" x 5" printed wrappers, housed in a clamshell case with titles stamped in gold gilt on the spine, 60 pp. When Illinois Territory was created, it included the area now covered by Illinois, Wisconsin, eastern Minnesota and the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Territory was initially administered by a Territorial Governor and judges. The first elected territorial legislature met in 1812. Includes An Act to establish the name of the Town now called "Carthage," in the county of Monroe, Illinois Territory; An Act to amend an act entitled, "an act to encourage the killing of Wolves;" An Act for the relief of the county courts of Edward and Gallatin; An Act providing for the alteration and establishment of the couty seat of Justice in Johnson county; An Act for the relief of Augustin Peneceneau and Adalaide his wife; An Act to prevent attornies at law residing in the state of Indiana from practicing in the courts in this territory; An Act to alter a part of the lines between the counties of Gallatin and Pope; An Act to incorporate the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Illinois; An Act supplemental to an act, entitled "An act concerning Executions;" An Act for the division of Edwards County; An Act supplemental to an act entitled "An act for the relief of persons imprisoned for Debt;" An Act to establish Inspections within this Territory; An Act to regulate the practice in certain cases; An Act forming a new county out of the county of Madison; An Act regulating and defining the duties of the United States' Judges for the Territory of Illinois; An Act supplemental to an act entitled, "An act regulating and defining the duties of the United States' Judges, for the territory of Illinois;" An Act regulating the time of holding the County Courts; An Act to authorize the Governor to organize the Militia of Edwards and Crawford counties; An Act to amend an act entitled, "an act to amend an act entitled an act for levying and collecting a tax on land," passed the 24th December, 1814; An Act to provide the collection of the county levy and territorial tax, in the county of Gallatin for the year 1816; An Act for the appointment of Circuit Attornies; An Act altering the mode of taking in lists of takable property; An Act supplemental to act concerning Justices of the Peace; An Act to authorize the collection of monies due from the citizens of Bond and Crawford counties to the counties of Madison and Edwards, and for other purposes; An Act making appropriations for the year 1817, and for other purposes; An Act defining the duties of clerks in granting letters of administration and for other purposes; An Act to explain the law regulating sheriffs fees in certain cases; and Resolution respecting the distribution of the Laws and Journals of the session. All Acts and Resolutions are approved. Very good copy.

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