Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Lawmen & Desperadoes, A Compendium Of Noted, Early California Peace Officers, Badmen And Outlaws, 1850-1900. WILLIAM B SECREST

Lawmen & Desperadoes, A Compendium Of Noted, Early California Peace Officers, Badmen And Outlaws, 1850-1900.


Other works by WILLIAM B SECREST

Publication: The Arthur H Clark Co, 1994, Spokan

First edition. Cloth, 343pp., profusely illustrated, map, biblio., index. A history of the fight for law and order in California after the Mexican War. The author has thoroughly researched the subject and presents detailed, colorful biographies of 54 early California lawmen and desperadoes. As new in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 50871