Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Laborers Of The Harvest ANTRAM, OFM, FR. CORMAC

Laborers Of The Harvest


Other works by ANTRAM, OFM, FR. CORMAC

Publication: Published by The Indian Trader, Inc, 1998, Gallup, New Mexico

First edition. 8vo. Color pictorial stiff wrappers, [4], vi, 198 pp., about the author, foreword, illustrated from photographs, portraits, map. epilogue, acknowledgments. This book is a compilation of columns which appeared over the years in "The Voice of the Southwest" ----- the newspaper of the Diocese of Gallup. Tony Hillerman says in a promotional blurb, "No one with an interest in the Navajos or the colorful culture of the Four Corners Country should miss this long look backward at the work of Father Cormac --- the gentle radio voice of 'The Padre's Hour." As new, unread copy without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 51188