Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Kenneth Millar/Ross Macdonald: A Checklist. Compiled By Matthew J.Bruccoli. BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J. [COMPILED BY].

Kenneth Millar/Ross Macdonald: A Checklist. Compiled By Matthew J.Bruccoli.


Other works by BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J. .

Publication: Gale Research Company, 1971, Detroit

First edition. 8vo. Illustrated with photographs that reproduce title pages of Macdonald's books. An excellent and informative introduction by Kenneth Millar. This copy is inscribed in the year of publication by Macdonald to his lawyer. "To Harris (Seed), This record of a checquered career, much of which he has shared and contributed to as a dear friend and indispensable advisor. With warm wishes and deep thanks, Ken (Ross Macdonald)." Also laid-in to this copy is a bookmark issued by the publisher that prints a poem by the author that also bears his holograph signature in ink. Fine, bright cloth copy without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 27904