Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

John Le Carre  Signed Letter On His Personal Stationery JOHN LE CARRE

John Le Carre Signed Letter On His Personal Stationery


Other works by JOHN LE CARRE

Publication: Letter written by John Le Carre, 1985, London

Letter measures 8" x 10" on Le Carre personal stationery with inked content on both sides. Manuscript note from spy thriller and espionage author John Le Carre (1931-2020) responding to a fan letter. The fan apparently sent a piece of typescript from Le Carre's famous novel "Spy Who Came in from the Cold" and requested Le Carre to sign the typescript. "I'm sorry to appear stuffy, but I can't hand out my signature like that, and I make it a rule not to accept gifts from readers because they put me in an uncomfortable position...I am glad my books give you pleasure. Please be content with that & forgive me if I appear churlish & return your gifts...now I must go back underground & get on with my work." Fine condition.

Inventory Number: 52718