Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Joe Bianchi Manufacturer Of Hand-Forged Spurs And Bits Plain And Silver Mounted Joe Bianchi, Victoria, Texas

Joe Bianchi Manufacturer Of Hand-Forged Spurs And Bits Plain And Silver Mounted

Joe Bianchi, Victoria, Texas

Other works by Joe Bianchi, Victoria, Texas

Publication: nd (ca 1915), Victoria, Texas

Catalog G. 5" x 3 1/2" in blue printed wrappers. Illustrated. 17[1] pp. "Joe Bianchi, master Texas spur-maker, immigrated to America with his family and settled in Victoria, Texas in 1885. Joe's brother Paul began working as a blacksmith and taught him to work metal as well. Joe Bianchi grew his bit and spur business and became one of only a handful of makers who were able to produce enough bits and spurs to publish a catalog of his wares. Joe Bianchi was a major influence on early Western spur makers due to the design of his hand-forged 'bottle-opener' spurs which he popularized. The bottle-opener spur also became known as the 'Victoria Spur' and is still copied by spur makers today." Catalog offers description of, pricing for and illustrations of 4 different spurs and 4 different bits. Cover discolored, light water damage and wear, insect nibbles and holes to some pages and spine along with center page loose from staples. Fair. Rare.

Inventory Number: 49831