Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Jack Hays The Intrepid Texas Ranger J. MARVIN-COMPILER HUNTER

Jack Hays The Intrepid Texas Ranger



Publication: Frontier Times, 1926, Bandera, Texas

First Edition. Original Printed Wrappers, bound into protective Decorative Boards, with gilt-stamped Leather Spine. 63pp. "From Materials Furnished by Colonel Hays and Major John Caperton in California, and from Other Sources." Editor, J. Marvin Hunter said, "The exploits of Jack Hays in Texas and California, if told in detail, would fill several volumes, but at this late date it is impossible to secure a complete record of his adventures and his daring deeds in Texas, Mexico and California. Through the enthusiastic co-operation of W. P. Webb, Adjunct Professor of History in the University of Texas, and Mr. D. S. McMullin of San Rafael, California, and by gleaning from various Texas writers, A.J. Sowell,Rev. Z. N. Merrill, James T. DeShields, Yoakum, Brown, Mrs. Mary A. Maverick, and others, some of whom personally knew him, we are enabled to present a very accurate record of the achievements of the premier Texas Ranger Captain." A great compilation. Given the fragile nature of these publications, it's in amazing condition, from the attractive protective binding. Fine condition.

Inventory Number: 52345