Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Inspector Higgins Sees It Through CECIL FREEMAN GREGG

Inspector Higgins Sees It Through



Publication: D Appleton-Century Company, Inc, 1934, New York

First U. S. edition. Fine, bright copy in dust jacket with minor restoration to the spine ends. A prosperous London jeweler's home is being robbed by three crooks, who have been aided by the jeweler's chauffeur named Cantrell Who has paved the way for them to gain entry into the home. The thieves break into the old safe and expect to find a fortune in jewels, but are they surprised to find the dead body of their confederate, Cantrell, lying there instead! The thieves all flee, but soon one is caught by the police and accused as the murderer of Cantrell and quickly sentenced to death. But something isn't right and Inspector Higgins locates the real criminals and saves the one thief from being hanged for a murder he did not commit. Fast-paced story.

Inventory Number: 41502