Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Indian Basketmakers Of The Southwest. The Living Art And Fine Tradition LARRY DALRYMPLE

Indian Basketmakers Of The Southwest. The Living Art And Fine Tradition


Other works by LARRY DALRYMPLE

Publication: Museum of New Mexico Press, 2000, Santa Fe

First edition. 4to. Color pictorial stiff wrappers, french folds, xi [1], 140 pp., foreword, introduction, illustrated from photographs with many in color, portraits, map, double column, acknowledgments, genealogies, glossary, references, index. Foreword by Susan Brown McGreevy. Presents the history and photographs of Southwestern Native American basket makers. Fine copy without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 49702