Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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In South Cheyenne Canon With Pen And Camera The Cheyenne Canon And Seven Falls Development Co.

In South Cheyenne Canon With Pen And Camera

The Cheyenne Canon And Seven Falls Development Co.

Other works by The Cheyenne Canon And Seven Falls Development Co.

Publication: The Out West Printing and Sationery Co, nd ca 1908, Colorado Springs

6 3/4" x 3 3/4" in pictorial wrappers. 32 pp. including wrappers, illustrations. A promo extolling the wonders and beauties of South Cheyenne Canon located at the North end of Cheyenne Mountain, five miles from Colorado Springs. Rock walls 1,200 feet high, and many interesting features, including the famous Seven Falls. Reached by carriage road and electric railway. Contains a short poems by Helen H. Jackson and Stanley Wood, as wells as a poem entitled "South Cheyenne Canon" by Bell Hunt. Following description of South Cheyenne Canon is useful information for visitors including its location, methods of arriving at the canon, admission pricing to the canon being 50 cents for adults and 25 cents on Sundays with a season family ticket of $4.50. Numerous black and white photographs to include pictures of Pillars of Hercules, Devil's Slide, Prospect Dome, the road to Seven Falls, Seven Falls, Juanita Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, etc. Wrappers lightly soiled and with one tiny closed tear to bottom edge of one page. Very good. Interesting information and attractive photographs.

Inventory Number: 39284