Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

In Pursuit Of The Golden Dream, Reminiscences Of San Francisco And The Northern & Southern Mines, 1849-1857 HOWARD C. GARDINER

In Pursuit Of The Golden Dream, Reminiscences Of San Francisco And The Northern & Southern Mines, 1849-1857


Other works by HOWARD C. GARDINER

Publication: Western Hemisphere Inc, 1970, Stoughton

First edition. Red cloth, 390pp., illustrations, extensive notes, index. Two maps (large folding map at rear). Lengthy introduction by the editor, Dale L. Morgan. Morgan's introduction presents a nearly complete bibliography of California gold rush reminiscences, and thus is a fine guide to first-hand accounts of early California experience. An interesting narrative of life in and around the California gold camps, complemented by Morgan's introduction. "In addition to reprinting Gardiner's work, Morgan compiled a substantial introduction consisting of a bibliographic essay on the northern mines and correspondence concerning the original publication of the reminiscences. Gardiner rounded the Horn in 1849. The narrative is pleasantly readable with the color of mining life and surroundings painted on the business-like outlines of actual mining. Gardiner mined at Hawkins' Bar and Sullivan's Creek between August 1849 and March 1850; the Mariposa mines from April to July 1850; Horse Shoe Bar on the American River from May to September 1851; and Secret Ravine from October to June 1852. Other locations mined by Gardiner from 1852 until his return home in 1857 included Swett's Bar, Indian Bar, Chambers' Bar, and Belvidere Flat. He also wrote in some detail about his visits to San Francisco and Stockton. Particularly interesting are the recitations of his activities in the San Francisco supply trade, which fed and clothed those bound for the gold fields."---Eloquence From A Silent World, #62. A fine, uncut copy.

Inventory Number: 43249