Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Illustrated Lives And Adventures Of Frank And Jesse James, And The Younger Brothers, The Noted Western Outlaws. HON J. A DACUS

Illustrated Lives And Adventures Of Frank And Jesse James, And The Younger Brothers, The Noted Western Outlaws.


Other works by HON J. A DACUS

Publication: N D Thompson & Company, 1882, New York and St Louis

First Thus. New Edition. Enlarged and Improved with History Complete. Including the Death and Funeral of Jesse James, and the Voluntary Surrender of Frank James to Gov. Chittenden, in October, 1882. xviii, 518pp. +2pp. Illustrations. This edition has 42 pages on the Youngers not included in the 1880 edition and has different portraits and illustrations. "The most complete edition".--Wright Howes. Rebacked in brown cloth to match the original leather boards that have been retained, and the original leather spine has been re-laid on new spine. This copy is from the library of Bob McCubbin, one of the foremost collectors of Western Americana, who wrote:"Property of Bob McCubbin, Aug. 1951, Stillwater, Oklahoma" on a front free-endpaper. Name of other previous owner on front free-endpaper, and short newspaper article affixed to front endpaper. Very good.

Inventory Number: 52466