Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

How To Make Dresses The Modern Singer Way. Singer Sewing Library - No. 2 Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc

How To Make Dresses The Modern Singer Way. Singer Sewing Library - No. 2

Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc

Other works by Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc

Publication: Singer Sewing Machine Co, Inc, 1932, New York

8 1/4" x 5 1/2" in color pictorial wrappers showing a beautifully-dressed woman looking at her reflection in a mirror. 48 pp., Illustrations. Index. "Dressmaking methods have been tremendously improved in recent years, so that the construction of a dress need no longer be laborious, time consuming or uncertain of result. All the newest methods, some of which have never before been published, have been gathered together in this book, in the simplest possible form for quick and easy reference." Eleven steps to making a dress, information on dress-making equipment, various fabrics, choosing and handling fabrics, selecting and altering patterns, cutting patterns, assembling dresses, hemming, cording, ruffling, collars and cuffs, making pockets, belts, ties, button holes, plaiting, making a coat, etc. Inside rear wrapper is a chart of relative sizes of needles and thread for various fabrics. 1/4" x 1/2" tear to bottom edge of front wrapper and to first few pages. Light soiling and foxing to wrappers and with light wear to the extremities.

Inventory Number: 41635