Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

How To Make Cowboy Horse Gear; With A Section On How To Make A Western Saddle BRUCE GRANT

How To Make Cowboy Horse Gear; With A Section On How To Make A Western Saddle


Other works by BRUCE GRANT

Publication: Cornell Maritime Press, 1992, Centreville, Maryland

Revised and enlarged edition, 8vo. Pictorial stiff wrappers, vi, 186 pp., numerous illustrations from drawings and photographs, notes, glossary, rawhide bibliography. Bridles, hackamores, hobbles, reins, reatas, quirts, and riding crops are just a few of the articles that can be made by following the illustrations and instructions. Detailed drawings show from beginning to end how to make the articles of gear the horseman uses to work or show his horse to best advantage. Included in the volume is a section titled "How to Make a Western Saddle, " by Lee M. Rice. In it he explains each step in making a western saddle, with text and drawings. This book has been written by a man who made a lifelong study of leather craft and rawhide work. Very good copy.

Inventory Number: 49736