Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Holograph Letter From Granite, Colorado Dated August 13, 1885. BAYARD SINCLAIR

Holograph Letter From Granite, Colorado Dated August 13, 1885.


Other works by BAYARD SINCLAIR

Publication: 1885,

8" X 9 3/4" letter written in ink on tan paper to J. M. Sinclair, C/O Clyde & Co., 91 West Street, New York City, New York. Apparently the two are in partnership and Bayard is asking in a rather anxious fashion for a bank draft in the amount of $1,500.00, as discussed previously. He says in part, "I can use the money now and the sooner you send it the more convenient it will be. The cattle are doing well, we have over 100 calves now under 1 year old, and I am more than satisfied. Please answer immediately letting me know when I can expect the money so that I can make arrangements accordingly." The addressed mailing envelope is also included with the words written in ink on the front panel, "Important." On the back side of the letter written in pencil is a copy of the response written August 17, 1885, which says that he has received the letter of the 13th and shall attend to the business at hand .... "and go down town tomorrow if possible, if not, the next day without fail and after getting the amount promised I forward it immediately." But quickly asks for a detailed report on operations including number of cattle, business partners or associates, and specifically what another source has invested. He says further, "I'm not asking these questions out of idle curiosity nor with a desire to be disagreeable, only any man in my place would feel interesting in learning all he could about a venture into where he was putting so large a portion of his capital. For the same reason I will be glad to learn what steps you will think best to take, to secure my interests, in case of your being disabled by illness or death..." Old folds creases to the letter, else letter and envelope in very good condition.

Inventory Number: 31358