Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

History Of The Cattlemen Of Texas. FARMER, DAVID [EDITOR].

History Of The Cattlemen Of Texas.


Other works by FARMER, DAVID .

Publication: Texas State Historical Association, 1991, Austin

First edition thus. Quarto. Two tone simulated leather, xix [blank], 350 pp. 60 black and white photographs. The first facsimile reprint of one of the rarest and least known books relating to the range. The original book, printed in Dallas by the Johnston Printing & Advertising Company, was sold by subscription with sales amounting to fewer than 100 copies. These quickly vanished into family libraries and the work remained largely unknown until rediscovered in the 1970's by ranch biographers. Its biographies document a ranching elite in transition; a generation who broke up their large ranch holdings; who moved to town and built stately mansions. These sketches provide a window to that generation and suggest insights into its influence on the growth and direction of the state's cattle industry. Lightly foxed along the fore-edge of the half title page, else a fine copy. A choice item for the range and cattle collector.

Inventory Number: 47013