Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

History Of The Big Bonanza: An Authentic Account Of The Discovery, History, And Working Of The World Renowned Comstock Silver Lode Of Nevada.... DAN DEQUILLE

History Of The Big Bonanza: An Authentic Account Of The Discovery, History, And Working Of The World Renowned Comstock Silver Lode Of Nevada....


Other works by DAN DEQUILLE

Publication: American Publishing Co, 1876, Hartford

First edition. First issue. 8vo. Cloth, 569pp., illus., 91 plates, index. An appendix of "Mexican Mining Terms." Brief introduction by Mark Twain. A classic account of the discovery and development of the famous Comstock Lode. "Most interesting chronicle of 'flush times' in Nevada following the 'silver strike'."---Wright Howes. This copy is the true first edition, with plate 44 (residence of J.P. Jones) missing and replaced with a different plate (Waste Rock). Dan DeQuille was a pseudonym for William Wright. Lightly foxed, front and rear endpapers replaced, rebacked with original spine laid-down, and light cosmetic restoration to corners, fore-edges, and bottom edges, else a very good, tight copy with bright gilt on spine and front cover. An attractive and very servicable copy and very scarce.

Inventory Number: 28243
