Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

High Spots Of Western Illustrating. JEFF C. DYKES

High Spots Of Western Illustrating.


Other works by JEFF C. DYKES

Publication: The Kansas City Posse, The Westerners, 1963, Kansas City

First edition. 8vo. Signed by the author. Article appears in The Trail Guide, Vol. VIII, Number 4, December, 1963, published quarterly by The Kansas City Posse of The Westerners. This article precedes the issue of 1964, limited to 250 copies signed and in cloth, with a slight change in title "High Spots In Western Illustrating." Pictorial wrappers, 32 pp., (including covers), errata slip. Details The Documentary Years, 1836-1887, The Golden Age, 1888-1938, The Last Quarter Century, 1939-1962, and Photography and the Western Scene, 1880-1961. Fine copy. An elusive title loaded with good collecting information.

Inventory Number: 44940